Alan M. Clark 3652 Village Avenue, #3 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 343-5220 E-mail: Alan Clark was born in Nashville and has lived in New York, Arlington, and San Francisco. He obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (1979) from the San Francisco Art Institute. He has worked as an exhibits preparer for the Nashville Artist's Guild Galleries and a designer of Interpretive Exhibits for Metro Parks in Nashville. Since 1985, Clark has worked full-time as a professional illustrator for a wide variety of clients, both in the publishing industry and for private individuals. Clark's striking, sometimes disturbing, work has appeared on the covers of dozens of magazines and books. He has created covers for Ace Books, Borderlands Press, Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Deadline Press, the Doubleday Science Fiction Book Club, Easton Press, Roc Books, Arts Nova Press, Tor Books, Mosby-Yearbook, and Longmeadow Press, among others. He has done magazine covers and interiors for INIQUITIES, CEMETARY DANCE, WEIRD TALES, AMAZING STORIES, ISAAC ASIMOV'S SF MAGAZINE, GRUE, DEATHREALM, ANALOG, and many others. One of his most recent works was for the novel, TOWING JEHOVAH. In 1994, Clark tied with J.K. Potter for the World Fantasy Convention's Best Artist Award. He also won the Artshow Award for Best Dark Fantasy at the same convention. In early 1997, Clark moved to one of the hotspots of science fiction, that being in Eugene, Oregon.